Welcome to my Sharps 'n' Dulls, the place for me to share my witty and not so witty humour, about my life around the university of eastern funland, games and comics as well as my projects in cosplay and props.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Random fun with modelling clay: PuPu from Final Fantasy VIII

PuPu the cute alien.

Final Fantasy VIII... What's there not to like? I honestly can't answer that because I'm somewhat a FF8-fanboy, hehe^^'  Okay, so I haven't finished the game yet because I like taking my sweet time doing random and mostly pointless stuff, but that's beside the point. I just managed to finish the alien-sidequest day before yesterday and decided that I have to return to my fresh patch of modelling clay and try to make myself a cute PuPu^^

Having trouble to get a good picture of the little guy XD

He/she turned out really awesome!^^ you might not see it but I made the eyes into swirls like in the game. There were some issues getting the body balanced, my fingers are normal-sized but that's still sort of clumsy when working with something so small, that explains why it was so difficult to make him/her stay upright.

Elixir please! 
I might've ended up making little PuPu a bit overweighted but those elixirs are rich with flavour and energy, right?^^ (Does anyone know if elixir contains any alcohol by the way? XD) He/she's a bit under 7 cm or little bit over 2 1/2 inches in height.

Guiding a spaceship down?
Okay, with this overly cute update, see ya next time, kupo!

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